A Rabbi Goes to Auschwitz: Rabbi Walter Rothschild’s reflections on his journey to Auschwitz

L’italiano segue l’inglese

A Rabbi goes to Auschwitz : Reflections on January 27th, 2002.

written For ‘Jerusalem Post’ in 2002. My brother, a rabbi living in Berlin, bearing the name of our grandfather (who was an inmate of Dachau and whose experience there led to his painful early death(, went often to the commemoration events at Auschwitz in order to say kaddish, el malei rachamim; A train buff, he documents the train journey as only he can, and the memorialising of the dead, who do not leave. It is a long piece but very well worth a read. You can find more of his writing on https://www.walterrothschild.de/rabbiner-dr-walter-l-rothschild/rabbi-dr-walter-l-rothschild-english/some-brief-examples

I have never travelled to Auschwitz by the ‘traditional way’; instead, I prefer to take a passenger train. From Berlin – where I live – there are good links by both day and night trains; the only real problem with the latter being that one is woken at the border for the passport controls. But this year, since I work in the Liberal Jewish community in Munich, and January 27th. fell on a Sunday, I had to get a train on Saturday late afternoon – Motzei Shabbat – to Salzburg, change there for a train to Vienna, change stations and catch the night train through to Oswiecim (pronounced “Ozvyenchim”). I travel all over Europe and mostly by train. Despite everything, it is a civilized form of transport and brings you to the city center rather than some scruffy airfield on the outskirts of nowhere. So I am no stranger to night trains.

There is a certain very special and private pleasure each time I buy a Return Ticket to Auschwitz, a pleasure intensified when one sees the old poster in the camp exhibition banning Jews from buying railway tickets on the Nazi “Ostbahn”. It really is the most appropriate way to come here – knowing that each bump in the rail, each old brick building, was passed by others over a half century ago. They, of course, did not know where they were heading, nor (most of the time) what exactly awaited them. For them it was just a slow, agonizing, uncomfortable journey with no facilities and no view….. One wonders. Did those who could get to the grill actually follow the route, did they have enough local knowledge to know where they were headed ?

So from München, the former “Hauptstadt der Bewegung”, the Capital of the Party, I take a train through Bavaria, through Freilassing (junction for Berchtesgaden) to Salzburg. Here there are only ten minutes to change, but a comfortable Austrian Euro-City express takes me past Linz, Hitler’s favourite Austrian city, and then winding through the darkened Wienerwald to Wien.

Vienna sits on the spot where worlds meet. Wien Westbahnhof (West Station) is a part of Western Europe. Here come the luxury trains from Germany, Holland, Switzerland, Belgium…..

Wien Südbahnhof (South Station) comes in two parts at two levels. The “Süd” part is a part of Southern Europe; Here the trains leave for Italy and the Mediterranean, for the Balkans – Slovenia, Croatia…… The “Ost” side, in contrast, is already Central Europe. Somehow, I like it. In its dingy post-war reincarnation there is none of the former Imperial magnificence left, more a flavour of the concrete 1950’s and the Cold War. Here stood my train – the 21.25 “Chopin”, mainly Polish sleeping or couchette through coaches for Warszawa (Warsaw) and for Krakow (Cracow), and even a modern red-white-blue Russian sleeping car for Moskhva (Moscow). (I took one of these once from Brussels to Moscow and back – a very comfortable trip.) On the neighboring track is the evening train for Bratislava – mostly Slovakian coaches, but also an Austrian one and a Ukrainian sleeper for Kiev, with its stove burning coal briquettes, the smell wafting nostalgically under the canopy. Just after we depart, the train of Hungarian coaches from Budapest is due to arrive. Truly this is an international station. One for ordinary travellers, not wealthy tourists.

The couchette for Krakow is almost empty, and I have a six-berth compartment to myself. A blessing, for there is little spare room for luggage. It seems overheated and has the usual semi-faecal and semi-coal-smoke odours of such vintage vehicles. But on a journey like this one does not complain. All things are relative. The Conductor is polite, and notes from his clipboard – “Ah, the passenger for Oswiecim”. He says nothing more, nor do I. There is no need. Who else travels to this place at this time ? He gives me my bedding and leaves me alone.

We set off through the dark over the Donau and along the old Imperial Nordbahn to Lundenburg (now the Czech border town of Breclav), past Strasshof, where the dark engine shed looms – now a museum filled with preserved steam locomotives, it was built with slave labour in the 1940’s and, according to some reports, there are still unmarked mass graves on the site. There is History along every kilometer of this route. But soon it is time to try to sleep……

I awake with a shock. It is 2am., we are at Ostrava (the German “Böhmiches Ostrau”), there is some shunting, then off we go past Bohumin to the border station at Petrovice. Yet more shunting. The platforms are very well lit, there is a busy Police and Customs office on the main platform. Three trains are in at the same time, and our coach is shunted onto another and then back onto a different set – eventually we have a Polish locomotive, two coaches from Prague and two from Vienna; the rest of our coaches have joined various Russian, Czech and Ukrainian vehicles at adjacent platforms. This, of course, will have been the route from Theresienstadt. The Czech and the Polish police come through. Passports, please. Civil. Not threatening. But at 3am. on a dark and very cold January morning, one realizes the coach was not overheated after all – it was just right.

In fact a cold, wet January Sunday is in many respects the best time to visit Auschwitz or Birkenau – there are not many other tourists around, no groups of “March of the Living” teenagers or self-righteous zealots. I am coming here because I have been invited – for the third time – to be “the Jewish representative” at the annual commemoration ceremonies to mark the liberation of the camp on a similar cold January in 1945. The small, elderly and penniless committee of Polish survivors are incredibly grateful that a Rabbi bothers to come – yet it is I who should be grateful for the invitation to perform this mitzvah. Last year my wife and son came too – many of her family, including her father, had come all the way from Westerbork in Holland. Only her father came back, and even that was by foot to Odessa, for repatriation by sea. One doesn’t grumble about overheated sleeping cars in such circumstances. Years ago, in Leeds, after a funeral, I found myself talking to a former sailor on the “S.S. Monoway”, the ship that made three return trips taking refugees from Odessa to Marseilles, and bringing back Cossack former prisoners-of-war, heading for certain torture and death under the Stalinist regime that branded all who survived the war with the Wehrmacht as “traitors”. Whether Soldiers or Slave Labourers, it was classed as a crime to come back alive…… The history of the last century is SO messy. What does “coming home” or “repatriation” mean in such circumstances ?

We crawl now through dark empty stations and past sidings filled with coal wagons; we are running a few minutes late – but then, who wants to rush to Auschwitz ? I am simply glad to be nearly sixty years late. The Polish railways have an enormous backlog of maintenance – truly, those who are afraid of high speeds need not worry here. But they function. At 04.33, six minutes behind schedule after a journey across half of Europe, I am the only one to alight at Oswiecim, a seven-platform junction station with lines heading four ways. Maybe those who criticize that “the railway to Auschwitz should have been bombed” ought to look at a railway map. The countryside is mainly fairly flat and featureless; there are a few bridges over rivers, but nothing that could, even if bombed, not have been repaired within three days under war conditions. This was – and still is – an incredibly busy network of lines, serving coal mines, power stations, a major locomotive works at Chrzanow, a sugar factory….. Far too strategically important, and with far too many loop lines and duplicate routes, to be severed for long. And as for the trains already under way, from Westerbork, from Drancy, from Saloniki – they would have got through, with little delay.

Railwaymen on all sides pride themselves on things like that. The story of British and American railway engineers restoring blasted tunnels and demolished bridges, of restoring blitzed lines and yards, is one of amazing achievement under great pressure. Germans, Poles and Russians – they were no slouches, either. So I really doubt whether a single life would have been saved, whether a single additional person would have been given pause for thought, would have feared that “the Allies know what we are doing”. Sorry if this shatters an illusion – but that’s the way it is, when one bothers to read some history. Apparently the main threat to crippling the Nazi supply lines came with the dropping of mines into the Danube – the loss of barges carrying oil from Romania was severe, and the river was harder to clear of wrecks than any railway marshalling yard.

Even on a Sunday there are some early-morning commuters on the bare platforms. I walk over the windy footbridge to check a hunch, and find I am right – the old black wartime 2-10-0 steam locomotive that had been rusting under a blanket of snow in January 2000, and which I did not have time to check in the foggy January 2001, has indeed gone, vanished. A pity. It would have been an impressive exhibit. In the garden of a railway house is a restored kilometer post: “350 kil. von Wien.” A reminder that this was the old main line, Vienna – Cracow.

At 7, as planned, I meet up with a Polish Catholic friend from Berlin, and we head on foot for the “Auschwitz I” camp, only ten minutes away. The locals are very keen always to point out that they live in “Oswiecim”, that “Auschwitz” was a purely German creation. My friend has a girl friend from this dingy and muddy little town – she hates saying where she comes from. One day, he told me, another girl on the train asked her, and laughed at the reply; Never having had this response before, she asked why? It turned out, the other girl came from the village of Treblinka….. What it mut be, to carry a Brand of Cain on your very birth certificate.

But – for those who come for the first time – it is always a shock to note that this camp, this notorious place, was at the edge of a town, a town that has since expanded almost to surround it.

Like that at Dachau, too. Mauthausen perches on a hilltop, Neuengamme was in the marshland south of Hamburg, Dora in wooded isolated valleys in Thüringen – but here, there are urban buses passing by the gate, and one can understand not only the outrage of those who complain, but also the human needs of those who live here, when from time to time a proposal emerges for a supermarket or a disco in the locality. Of course it is Bad Taste – but what is the alternative? To raze the entire town? For better or worse, people live and work here, too. The bus depot is just up the road.

Red and white Polish flags fly from lamp standards. This is not only the Liberation Day but the Polish National Day of Mourning. The complex of brick two-storey blocks was originally a large garrison, an extensive set of barracks for Galician officers who must have had a frightfully boring existence under the sullen Silesian sky. Barracks, store rooms, a rail siding connection at a strategic junction – it formed the perfect site for the purpose. But the new inhabitants were there to be tortured and starved and humiliated and murdered in myriad and inventive ways.

A small group has gathered. There is a brief ceremony at the Wall of Death. A small courtyard between Blocks, the windows on one side boarded over, the upper windows on the other half bricked up, posts stand there with metal hooks – from here the people were hung by their arms. Including the man who comes forward now with a wreath – an early political prisoner with an early, three-digit number, my friend informs me; somehow he survived, somehow he helped later to organize a group to form a committee to preserve this place when no-one else was interested – at the outset the volunteers had to lodge in Hoess’s former house, use the same bath the Commandant had used…. Brief speeches are made, all in Polish – by people who suffered here, by people whose parents or grandparents were shot here, by a former Kindergarten teacher, two of whose children were shot here…. A trumpet is blown, three drummers beat a rhythm, candles in red glasses are laid; then the wreaths come, scores of them, the wreath-layers formed up in rows four abreast. I notice one on behalf of the Bundesrepublik Deutschland, one on behalf of the city of Wolfsburg, home of Volkswagen…..

We clergy are to speak and pray later, but there is time for a quiet Kaddish before we are led to buses and driven the short distance to the Auschwitz-II Birkenau complex, enormous and empty as we march in procession down the main access road, parallel to the ramp, to the sidings, the most famous stretch of railway in the world. At the end, between the ruins of demolished crematoria, the International Memorial rises dark and threatening. Israel’s Ambassador, Sheva Weiss, delivers a passionate and fluent oration in Polish – I understand everything, though I do not understand a word. Then more wreaths, while the cold wind blows. How could people stand still here at Appell for hours at a time, without the benefit of coats and breakfast? Two years ago I watched as three members of the Polish Army Honour Guard, fittest of the fit and in full winter uniform, keeled over during the ceremony and had to be bundled into waiting army ambulances and treated for the cold.

It turns out, the organizer explains, that we “religious” are to say our prayers into microphones on a podium near the crematorium. Will God hear any better? Does it matter now anyway? The survivors are ailing now, many bent, with sticks, and they sit on rows of wooden folding chairs. There will not be many more years before this committee will either vanish or need to be reborn.

So we take our places – a local Catholic priest; my friend the German Catholic layman; myself, a British-born Reform Rabbi; and – and a Polish Buddhist! This year it seems the Polish Protestant bishop and the Orthodox priest could not come. So we step to the microphones.

And the heavens suddenly open. They weep with us. Strong winds nearly blow my siddur out of my hands, I have to clutch my hat. My siddur is soggy within minutes. But somehow I read the Prayer for the Six Million, in German as well as English – very deliberately, for I think it is important that a Rabbi from Berlin should recite Jewish prayers in German here, a place to which so many German Jews came, from the Grünewald and Putlitzstrasse freight yards. German is not JUST the language of Eichmann and Mengele. I add “El Maleh Rachamim”, the wind whipping the words away as I sing, and end with a Kaddish.

It is done. The dead have been honoured, but have not gone away They stay here still, somehow. But the journalists and the TV crews pack up, the elderly survivors shuffle off and disperse, my task is accomplished. There are no more speeches, no air-conditioned buses, no banquet. I may go.

As I have some time I explore a little further than last year, and then walk along the rotting railway tracks from the end past the ramp to the gate, from the gate across the road, and then there is a jungle, knee-high snow and mud, trees growing over and through the tracks. Nothing has rolled over here for years. But I persevere, interested in following the trail. My soggy coat gets covered in burrs and brambles, my shoes are not suitable for this quagmire. Two fences block my way and force a detour along a muddy field. It seems that the owner of Ulica Pivnicza 12 has extended his garden across the disused tracks. The trail is regained and followed through high dead grass to the spot where it joined the main system at the edge of a set of sidings. Here I find “The point of No Return”, the point – Americans would call it a ‘switch’ – which directed the loaded trains onto this short spur, the destination always visible across the fields. I am fascinated by the details – this is a very specific form of industrial archaeology, the industry in this case being Death. The line was laid only in 1944 to increase efficiency – until this point the victims had to march the distance I have just walked, maybe 2 kilometers. The layout of the tracks does not make sense at first, then it becomes clear that a point has been removed, that here was the spot where locomotives would uncouple and here they would have run round so as to be able to haul their trains into the rearward-facing spur. I find the remains of the little cabin where the pointsman no doubt sat on cold days. This was a well-organized and well-constructed system,designed for heavy traffic……….

I have seen what there is to see, and it is not long now, between the rain showers, to the station, passing on the way the spot where the 1.5 kilometer long spur line to ‘Auschwitz I’ used to link to the goods yard – part of the track lies there still, and the buffers at the end, but a road has been built over the section by the station, cutting it off. While awaiting our train, my friend and I discuss Theology. Where was God when Cain killed Abel? Why did God not protect Abel?

What is the point of punishing Cain when it is too late? Is there any point in vengeance, or is it just a preventative measure? Catholics believe in a God who was prepared to watch his own son be nailed to a plank of wood – out of Love. How can Jews relate to such a belief? Or to any belief?

And eventually my train to Krakow comes in – only a humble country stopping train, but that most important of all symbols – the train away from here, away from here, away from here………


Rabbi Walter Rothschild


Un rabbino va ad Auschwitz: le riflessioni di rav Walter Rothschild nel suo viaggio ad Auschwitz     Un rabbino va ad Auschwitz: riflessioni sul 27 gennaio, 2002.

Scritto per “Jerusalem Post” nel 2002. Mio fratello, un rabbino che vive a Berlino, porta il nome di nostro nonno (che è stato prigioniero a Dachau e la cui esperienza lo ha portato alla sua dolorosa morte precoce) e si è spesso recato agli eventi commemorativi ad Auschwitz per dire il kaddish,  el malei rachamim; Appassionato di treni, documenta il viaggio in treno, come solo lui può, e la commemorazione dei morti, che non se ne vanno. È un pezzo lungo ma merita davvero una lettura. Potete trovare altri suoi scritti su https://www.walterrothschild.de/rabbiner-dr-walter-l-rothschild/rabbi-dr-walter-l-rothschild-english/some-brief-examples/

Non ho mai viaggiato verso Auschwitz nel “modo tradizionale”; preferisco piuttosto prendere un treno passeggeri. Da Berlino, dove vivo, ci sono buoni collegamenti con treni diurni e notturni; l’unico vero problema con questi ultimi è che si viene svegliati alla frontiera per i controlli del passaporto. Quest’anno però, visto che lavoro nella comunità ebraica liberale di Monaco e il 27 gennaio è caduto di domenica, ho dovuto prendere un treno al pomeriggio, Motzei Shabbat, per Salisburgo, cambiare lì con un treno per Vienna, cambiare stazione e prendere il treno notturno per Oswiecim (pronunciato “Ozvyenchim”). Ho viaggiato in tutta Europa e principalmente in treno. Nonostante tutto, è una forma di trasporto evoluta e ti porta nel centro della città piuttosto che in un avventuroso aeroporto alla periferia del nulla. Quindi non sono estraneo ai treni notturni.

C’è un certo piacere molto speciale e privato ogni volta che compro un biglietto di andata e ritorno per Auschwitz, un piacere intensificato quando si vede il vecchio poster nella mostra del campo che vieta agli ebrei di acquistare i biglietti ferroviari sulla “Ostbahn” nazista. È davvero il modo più appropriato di venire qui, sapendo che ogni tonfo sulle rotaie, ogni vecchio edificio in mattoni, è stato superato da altri oltre mezzo secolo fa. Naturalmente, non sapevano dove stavano andando, né (il più delle volte) cosa li aspettasse esattamente. Per loro è stato solo un viaggio lento, angosciante, scomodo, senza servizi e senza vista ….. Ci si chiede. Coloro che potevano arrivare all’inferriata seguivano effettivamente il percorso, avevano abbastanza conoscenza locale per sapere dove fossero diretti?

Quindi da Monaco, l’ex “Hauptstadt der Bewegung”, la capitale del partito, prendo un treno attraverso la Baviera, attraverso Freilassing (bivio per Berchtesgaden) per Salisburgo. Qui ci sono solo dieci minuti per cambiare, ma un comodo espresso Euro-City austriaco mi porta oltre Linz, la città austriaca preferita di Hitler, e poi si snoda attraverso il buio Wienerwald fino a Vienna.

Vienna si trova nel punto in cui i mondi si incontrano. Wien Westbahnhof (West Station) è una parte dell’Europa occidentale. Ecco che arrivano i treni di lusso da Germania, Olanda, Svizzera, Belgio …..

Wien Südbahnhof (Stazione Sud) è divisa in due parti su due livelli. La parte “Süd” fa parte dell’Europa meridionale; Qui i treni partono per l’Italia e il Mediterraneo, per i Balcani: Slovenia, Croazia …… Il lato “Ost”, al contrario, è già l’Europa centrale. In qualche modo mi piace. Nella sua squallida reincarnazione postbellica non è rimasto alcunché dell’antica magnificenza imperiale, c’è più il sapore del cemento degli anni ’50 e della guerra fredda. Qui stava il mio treno: il 21,25 “Chopin”, principalmente cuccette o vagoni letto per Varsavia e Cracovia, e persino un moderno vagone letto russo rosso-bianco-blu per Mosca. (Ne presi uno da Bruxelles a Mosca e ritorno: un viaggio molto comodo). Sul binario vicino c’è il treno serale per Bratislava, principalmente vagoni slovacchi, ma anche uno austriaco e una carrozza-letto ucraina per Kiev, con la sua stufa a mattonelle di carbon, l’odore che si diffonde nostalgicamente sotto la tettoia. Subito dopo la nostra partenza dovrebbe arrivare il treno delle carrozze ungheresi da Budapest. Questa è davvero una stazione internazionale. Una stazione per viaggiatori comuni, non per turisti facoltosi.

La cuccetta per Cracovia è quasi vuota e ho uno scompartimento di sei posti letto per me. Una benedizione, perché c’è poco spazio per i bagagli. Sembra surriscaldato e ha i soliti odori semi-fecali e semi-carboniosi di siffatti veicoli vintage. Ma in un viaggio come questo non ci si lamenta. Tutte le cose sono relative. Il conduttore è educato e nota dai suoi appunti: “Ah, il passeggero di Oswiecim”. Non dice altro, né lo dico io. Non c’è bisogno. Chi altri viaggia verso quel posto in questo momento? Mi dà la biancheria da letto e mi lascia solo.

Siamo partiti attraverso l’oscurità sopra il Danubio e lungo la vecchia Nordbahn imperiale fino a Lundenburg (ora la città di confine ceca di Breclav), oltre Strasshof, dove incombeva un capannone sporco di fuliggine: ora è un museo pieno di locomotive a vapore conservate, fu costruito con lavoro degli schiavi negli anni ’40 e, secondo alcuni rapporti, ci sono ancora in loco fosse comuni non contrassegnate. C’è storia lungo ogni chilometro di questo percorso. Ma presto è tempo di provare a dormire ……

Mi sveglio di soprassalto. Sono le 2 del mattino, siamo a Ostrava (il tedesco “Böhmiches Ostrau”), c’è un po’ di smistamento, poi andiamo oltre Bohumin fino alla stazione di confine di Petrovice. Ancora altro smistamento. Le piattaforme sono molto ben illuminate, ci sono indaffarati uffici di Polizia e Dogana sulla piattaforma principale. Sono presenti tre treni contemporaneamente e il nostro vagone viene attaccato a un altro e poi di nuovo su un convoglio diverso: alla fine abbiamo una locomotiva polacca, due carrozze da Praga e due da Vienna; il resto dei nostri vagoni è stato unito a vari vagoni russi, cechi e ucraini su piattaforme adiacenti. Questo, ovviamente, sarà stato il percorso da Theresienstadt. La polizia ceca e polacca arrivano. Passaporti, per favore. Civile. Non minacciosa. Ma alle tre del mattino. in una mattinata buia e molto fredda di gennaio, ci si rende conto che la cuccetta dopo tutto non era surriscaldata, era giusta.

In effetti, una domenica di gennaio fredda e umida è per molti aspetti il ​​momento migliore per visitare Auschwitz o Birkenau, non ci sono molti altri turisti in giro, nessun gruppo di adolescenti di “Marcia dei Vivi” o zeloti ipocriti. Vengo qui perché sono stato invitato, per la terza volta, a essere “il rappresentante ebreo” alle cerimonie commemorative annuali per celebrare la liberazione del campo, in un freddo analogo a quello del 1945. Il piccolo, anziano e squattrinato comitato di sopravvissuti polacchi è incredibilmente grato che un rabbino si preoccupi di venire, eppure sono io che dovrei essere grato per l’invito a eseguire questa mitzvà. L’anno scorso sono venuti anche mia moglie con mio figlio: molti della sua famiglia, incluso suo padre, erano arrivati ​​da Westerbork in Olanda. Solo suo padre tornò, e lo fece a piedi fino a Odessa, per il rimpatrio via mare. In tali circostanze non ci si può lamentare delle vetture letto surriscaldate. Anni fa, a Leeds, dopo un funerale, mi ritrovai a parlare con un ex marinaio della “S.S. Monoway “, la nave che fece tre viaggi di ritorno portando rifugiati da Odessa a Marsiglia e riportando cosacchi ex prigionieri di guerra, alcuni diretti verso torture e morti sotto il regime stalinista, che marchiò tutti coloro che sopravvissero alla guerra con la Wehrmacht come” traditori”. Che si tratti di soldati o di lavoratori schiavi, tornare in vita è stato classificato come un crimine…… La storia dell’ultimo secolo è così disordinata. Che cosa significa “tornare a casa” o “rimpatrio” in tali circostanze?

Ora transitiamo lentamente attraverso scure postazioni vuote e binari pieni di carri di carbone; siamo in ritardo di qualche minuto, ma poi, chi vuole correre ad Auschwitz? Sono semplicemente felice di essere in ritardo di quasi sessant’anni. Le ferrovie polacche hanno un enorme arretrato di manutenzione, davvero, coloro che hanno paura delle alte velocità qui non devono preoccuparsi. Però funzionano. Alle 04.33, con sei minuti di ritardo dopo un viaggio attraverso mezza Europa, sono l’unico a scendere a Oswiecim, una stazione di giunzione a sette piattaforme con linee dirette in quattro direzioni. Forse quelli che criticano che “la ferrovia per Auschwitz avrebbe dovuto essere bombardata” dovrebbero guardare una mappa ferroviaria. La campagna è prevalentemente abbastanza pianeggiante e senza segni particolari; ci sono alcuni ponti sui fiumi, ma nulla che non possa essere riparato entro tre giorni in condizioni di guerra, anche se bombardato. Questa era, ed è ancora, una rete di linee incredibilmente trafficata, che serviva miniere di carbone, centrali elettriche, una grande fabbrica di locomotive a Chrzanow, una fabbrica di zucchero… Troppo strategicamente importante, e con troppe linee ad anello e percorsi duplicati, da poter restare recisi a lungo. E per quanto riguardava i treni già in viaggio, da Westerbork, da Drancy, da Salonicco, sarebbero passati, con poco ritardo.

I ferrovieri di tutte le parti si vantano di cose del genere. La storia degli ingegneri ferroviari britannici e americani che ripristinano tunnel fatti saltare e ponti demoliti, di ripristino di linee e cantieri colpiti, è una delle grandi conquiste fatte in momenti in cui si vive sotto grande pressione. Tedeschi, polacchi e russi, non erano nemmeno loro sciatti. Quindi dubito davvero che una singola vita sarebbe stata salvata, se una sola persona in più avesse avuto una pausa di riflessione, fosse stata spaventata dal fatto che: “gli Alleati sanno cosa stiamo facendo”. Mi spiace se questo distrugge un’illusione, ma è così, quando ci si preoccupa di leggere un po’ di storia. Apparentemente la principale minaccia di paralisi per le linee di rifornimento naziste arrivò con il lancio di mine nel Danubio: la perdita di chiatte che trasportavano petrolio dalla Romania era grave e il fiume era più difficile da sgombrare dai relitti di qualsiasi cantiere di smistamento ferroviario.

Anche di domenica ci sono alcuni pendolari di prima mattina sulle piattaforme scoperte. Cammino sulla passerella ventosa per verificare un sospetto e trovo che ho ragione: la vecchia locomotiva a vapore nera 2-10-0 del tempo di guerra che arrugginiva sotto una coltre di neve nel gennaio 2000 e che non avevo tempo di controllare nella nebbia del gennaio 2001, è davvero sparita. Un peccato. Sarebbe stata un impressionante reperto. Nel giardino di una casa ferroviaria c’è un cartello chilometrico restaurato: “350 kil. von Wien”. Un ricordo del fatto che questa era la vecchia linea principale, Vienna – Cracovia.

Alle sette, come previsto, incontro un amico cattolico polacco di Berlino e ci dirigiamo a piedi verso il campo “Auschwitz I”, a soli dieci minuti di distanza. La gente del posto è sempre desiderosa di sottolineare che vivono in “Oswiecim”, che “Auschwitz” era una creazione puramente tedesca. Il mio amico aveva una ragazza di questa squallida e fangosa cittadina, odiava dire da dove venisse. Un giorno, mi disse, un’altra ragazza sul treno glielo chiese e rise della risposta; Non avendo mai avuto prima questa reazione, le ha chiesto “perché?” Si è scoperto che l’altra ragazza veniva dal villaggio di Treblinka… Che cosa deve essere, portare un Marchio di Caino sul tuo proprio certificato di nascita.

Ma, per coloro che vengono per la prima volta, è sempre uno shock notare che questo campo, questo luogo famoso, era ai margini di una città, una città che da allora si è espansa quasi per circondarlo.

Anche a Dachau. Mauthausen è appollaiato su una collina, Neuengamme era nella regione paludosa a sud di Amburgo, Dora in valli boscose e isolate a Thüringen, ma qui ci sono autobus urbani che passano vicino al cancello, e si può capire non solo l’oltraggio di coloro che si lamentano, ma anche i bisogni umani di chi abita qui, quando di tanto in tanto emerge una proposta per un supermercato o una discoteca nella località. Naturalmente è cattivo gusto, ma qual è l’alternativa? Radere al suolo l’intera città? Nel bene e nel male, le persone anche qui vivono e lavorano. Il deposito degli autobus è proprio lungo la strada.

Le bandiere polacche rosse e bianche sventolano dagli steli dei lampioni. Questo non è solo il giorno della liberazione, ma la giornata nazionale polacca del lutto. Il complesso di blocchi di mattoni a due piani era in origine un grande presidio, una vasta serie di caserme per ufficiali galiziani che dovevano aver avuto un’esistenza spaventosamente noiosa sotto il cupo cielo della Slesia. Caserme, magazzini, un raccordo di raccordo ferroviario in un incrocio strategico: costituiva il luogo perfetto per lo scopo. Ma i nuovi abitanti erano lì per essere torturati, affamati, umiliati e assassinati a miriadi e in modi inventivi.

Si è riunito un piccolo gruppo. Si tiene una breve cerimonia al Muro della Morte. Un piccolo cortile tra i blocchi, le finestre di un lato sbarrate, le finestre superiori dall’altra metà murate, pali si ergono lì con ganci di metallo: qui la gente era appesa per le braccia. Compreso l’uomo che ora si fa avanti con una ghirlanda: un prigioniero politico della prima ora con un numero basso, di sole tre cifre, mi informa il mio amico; in qualche modo è sopravvissuto, in qualche modo ha aiutato in seguito a organizzare un gruppo per formare un comitato per preservare questo posto quando nessun altro era interessato: all’inizio i volontari dovevano alloggiare nella vecchia casa di Hoess, usando lo stesso bagno usato dal comandante. … Vengono fatti brevi discorsi, tutti in polacco: da persone che hanno sofferto qui, da persone i cui genitori o nonni sono stati fucilati qui, da un ex insegnante della scuola materna, di cui bambini sono stati fucilati qui … Suona una tromba, tre batteristi battono un ritmo, vengono posate candele in bicchieri rossi; poi arrivano le ghirlande, decine di ghirlande, stratificate a file di quattro. Ne noto una a nome della Repubblica Federale di Germania, una a nome della città di Wolfsburg, sede della Volkswagen …..

Noi chierici dobbiamo parlare e pregare più tardi, ma c’è tempo per un tranquillo Kaddish prima di essere condotti agli autobus e guidati per la breve distanza al complesso di Auschwitz-II Birkenau, enorme e vuoto mentre marciamo in processione lungo la strada di accesso principale, parallela alla rampa, ai binari di raccordo, il tratto di ferrovia più famoso al mondo. Alla fine, tra le rovine dei crematori demoliti, il Memoriale internazionale diventa oscuro e minaccioso. L’ambasciatore israeliano, Sheva Weiss, offre un’orazione appassionata e fluente in polacco: capisco tutto, anche se non capisco una parola. Poi altre ghirlande, mentre soffia il vento freddo. Come resistevano le persone ferme qui per appelli di ore ogni volta, senza il vantaggio di cappotti e colazione? Due anni fa ho visto tre membri della Guardia d’onore dell’esercito polacco, più in forma e in completa uniforme invernale, collassati durante la cerimonia che hanno dovuto essere raggruppati nelle ambulanze militari in attesa e curati per il freddo.

Si scopre, spiega l’organizzatore, che noi “religiosi” dobbiamo dire le nostre preghiere in microfoni su un podio vicino al crematorio. Dio sentirà meglio? Ora importa, comunque? I sopravvissuti ora sono in difficoltà, molti piegati, con dei bastoni e si siedono su file di sedie pieghevoli in legno. Non ci vorranno molti altri anni prima che questo comitato svanisca o debba rinascere.

Quindi prendiamo il nostro posto: un prete cattolico locale, il mio amico, il laico cattolico tedesco, io stesso, un rabbino riformato nato in Gran Bretagna, e… e un buddista polacco! Quest’anno sembra che il vescovo protestante polacco e il prete ortodosso non siano potuti venire. Quindi passiamo ai microfoni.

E i cieli si aprono improvvisamente. Piangono con noi. I forti venti quasi mi fanno saltare il siddur dalle mani, devo stringere a me il cappello. Il mio siddur è inzuppato in pochi minuti. Ma in qualche modo ho letto la Preghiera per i sei milioni, sia in tedesco che in inglese: molto deliberatamente, poiché penso sia importante che un rabbino di Berlino reciti qui preghiere ebraiche in tedesco, un luogo in cui sono venuti così tanti ebrei tedeschi, dai cantieri merci Grünewald e Putlitzstrasse. Il tedesco non è SOLO la lingua di Eichmann e Mengele. Aggiungo “El Maleh Rachamim”, il vento sferza le parole mentre canto, e finisco con un Kaddish.

È fatta. I morti sono stati onorati, ma non sono andati via. Restano qui fermi, in qualche modo. Ma i giornalisti e le troupe televisive fanno i bagagli, gli anziani sopravvissuti si allontanano e si disperdono, il mio compito è compiuto. Non ci sono più discorsi, niente autobus con aria condizionata, niente banchetti. Forse vado.

Dato che ho un po’ di tempo, esploro un po’ più in là rispetto allo scorso anno, e poi cammino lungo i binari della ferrovia in disfacimento, dalla sua fine oltre la rampa fino al cancello, dal cancello attraverso la strada, e poi c’è una giungla, neve alta fino al ginocchio e fango, alberi che crescono sopra e attraverso i binari. Nulla è passato qui sopra da anni. Ma persevero, interessato a seguire la pista. Il mio cappotto fradicio si ricopre di bave e rovi, le mie scarpe non sono adatte a questo pantano. Due recinzioni mi bloccano la strada e costringono una deviazione lungo un campo fangoso. Sembra che il proprietario di Ulica Pivnicza 12 abbia esteso il suo giardino attraverso i binari in disuso. Il sentiero viene riguadagnato e seguito attraverso l’erba alta fino al punto in cui si unisce al sistema principale al fianco di una serie di binari. Qui trovo “Il punto di non ritorno”, il punto, gli americani lo chiamerebbero un “punto di svolta”, che ha diretto i treni carichi su questo breve raccordo, con la destinazione sempre visibile attraverso i campi. Sono affascinato dai dettagli: questa è una forma molto specifica di archeologia industriale, in questo caso l’industria è la morte. La linea fu posta solo nel 1944 per aumentare l’efficienza: fino a quel momento le vittime hanno dovuto marciare per la distanza che ho appena percorso, forse 2 chilometri. All’inizio la disposizione dei binari non ha senso, quindi diventa chiaro che un tratto è stato rimosso, che questo era il punto in cui le locomotive venivano disaccoppiate e da qui aggiravano i convogli per poterli trasportare nel raccordo a marcia indietro. Trovo i resti della piccola cabina dove l’indicatore era senza dubbio seduto nelle giornate fredde. Era un sistema ben organizzato e ben costruito, progettato per il traffico pesante…

Ho visto quello che c’è da vedere, e non è lungo ora, tra gli scrosci di pioggia, tornare alla stazione, passando lungo il punto in cui la linea di raccordo lunga 1,5 chilometri verso “Auschwitz I” era collegata allo scalo merci: parte del tracciato è ancora lì, i respingenti alla fine, ma una strada è stata costruita sopra la sezione vicino la stazione, tagliandolo. Mentre aspettiamo il nostro treno, io e il mio amico discutiamo di teologia. Dov’era Dio quando Caino uccise Abele? Perché Dio non ha protetto Abele?

Che senso ha punire Caino quando è troppo tardi? C’è un qualche senso di vendetta o è solo una misura preventiva? I cattolici credono in un Dio preparato a guardare suo figlio essere inchiodato su una tavola di legno, per amore. In che modo gli ebrei possono rapportarsi a una simile credenza? O a qualsiasi convinzione?

E alla fine arriva il mio treno per Cracovia, solo un umile treno locale di campagna, ma il più importante di tutti i simboli: il treno che va lontano da qui, lontano da qui, lontano da qui…

Testo di Rav Walter Rothschild

Traduzione dall’inglese di Eva Mangialajo Rantzer


Shabbat Bereishit: the yahrzeit of Rabbiner Regina Jonas

Fraulein Rabbinerin Regina Jonas, the first woman to be ordained Rabbi in modern times, was murdered in Auschwitz in 1944 and her name and story submerged until the fall of the Berlin Wall meant that some of her papers were retrieved and studied.


Her story is a complex one. We know tantalisingly little about her; there are some basic facts about her birth and parentage. She grew up in a poor part of Berlin, and after the early death of her father when she was only eleven years old, she, her older brother and her mother became ever poorer. She lived amongst Jews from Eastern Europe, whose religious practise was orthodox (as was hers). In her teens she found the comfort of the synagogue, and never really left. The rabbi helped her to take her Jewish studies to a level where she could make a living teaching, and so she supported her widowed mother and herself as best she could, and she continued to study, and she dreamed of rabbinic ordination, writing her thesis on the subject “Can Women Serve as Rabbis?” and proving to her own satisfaction that according to Halachah the answer was ‘yes’

While her thesis was sound, academic scholarship was no match for centuries of misogyny and custom. Her teachers would not ordain her as a Rabbi. She was the victim of a collision of circumstances- her teachers did not want to cause a problem in the wider Jewish community by going outside of orthodox tradition and ordaining a woman. The conditions in Germany in 1933 were preoccupying the German Jewish world as they cast about looking for a rational response to an insane situation. More than that, she was an orthodox woman studying at a Liberal institution. She was widely perceived as being ‘strange’, a woman who did not care about her looks, an academic whose mind did not deal with frivolity, a radical and transgressive figure who yet wore the clothes of convention and tradition. She challenged many social and religious norms, demanding her right and coping with what was clearly some hostility towards her. She was said to be a good teacher, a good pastoral worker, yet even with the dwindling number of rabbis in Germany she could not find a community willing to take her. Her work took place in the old age homes and the hospitals – the traditionally gendered “caring” roles.

Regina Jonas comes across as an isolated and lonely figure, a trailblazer and pioneer who did not however achieve a following in her lifetime. Yet she did not give up. She worked wherever she could, and before deportation to Theresienstadt she ensured that her papers would be lodged in the archive from where some fifty years later they would emerge. She deposited photos of her in her rabbinical gown, her ordination certificate and some press cuttings. She held on to a hope that she would be remembered, not go nameless and forgotten into the future.

She worked in Theresienstadt for two years, teaching, giving a series of lectures, acting pastorally and rabbinically and working in the team of the famous psychoanalyst Viktor Frankel – her job was to meet the trainloads of shocked and frightened Jews transported to the ghetto and to try to comfort them. She worked hard and with great dedication for two years until she too was sent to Auschwitz where she was later murdered.

Her date of deportation was 12th October 1944. It was Shabbat Bereishit, the first Sabbath after Simchat Torah, when we finish the book of Deuteronomy with the death of Moses and the transition in leadership to Joshua and we immediately begin to read the book of Genesis with its universal story of the creation of the world.

On Shabbat Bereishit we learn that leaders die but leadership goes on. That ideas are stronger than individuals. That out of endings come new beginnings.

We don’t really know very much about Regina Jonas except what we can try to piece together from scant evidence and tiny remnants of memory. Having been officially forgotten from 1942 until the early 90’s she has re-emerged, as ambiguous and as perplexing as she seems to have been in life.

We progressive women rabbis have taken her for a standard. She has become “the first woman rabbi”. Her story reads as a cautionary tale for the rest of us – will we too disappear after working so hard to achieve, after caring so much, after labouring at the coal face of the community rabbinate?

Anger has been expressed at her ‘disappearance’ from the narrative when so many who knew her or knew of her never bothered to pass the information on to the next generation of women studying rabbinics who felt so lonely, so trailblazing, so exposed. There is the sense that if only we had known about her when studying ourselves, we would have been able to speak of her and so be comforted by her earlier initiatives. She would have stood between us and the void of women rabbis in history.

We have taken her for a standard, and now we have adopted Shabbat Bereishit for her yahrzeit, the probable date of her death. In Bereishit we read the two stories of creation – the first where women are created equal to men and at the same time as them; the second where woman is created from the side of the first man to become ezer k’negdo, a help and an opposition to him.   Regina Jonas’ life expresses so many ideas in this Torah reading, read both on Simchat Torah and the following Shabbat – it is almost as if it were bashert. The way she lived her life demands of us that we take seriously the questions she posed to the conventions and community of her time as we look at how those questions are asked and answered in our time and communities.    But maybe we should also be more honest and say that Regina Jonas is not the forerunner of women in the non-orthodox rabbinate – she is really the forerunner of women in the orthodox rabbinate. That now there are women with orthodox semicha is exciting, though there is still a long way to go for them to be much more accepted than Regina Jonas was when she finally received her semicha eighty years ago.

Eighty years – twice times 40, the signifier of “a long time”. Eighty years, the biblical length of a long life. And so much has happened since her ordination. The number 80 is signified by the letter Peh. It is an explosive sound. It means an opening or a mouth. The Torah is both written text (bich’tav) and oral (she’b’al peh). It give me some satisfaction that at 80 years since ordination there are women rabbis in every stream of Judaism. Regina Jonas’ mouth continues to open and to teach, and each of us embroiders what we hear.

Parashat Beshallach: lessons to survive national trauma in Holocaust Memorial Week.

Seventy years ago this week, the twin camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated, and no-one in the outside world could ignore any longer what had been going on in territory controlled by Nazi Germany.

The western world is ready to recognise some of its collusion with what happened, but 70 years on is anxious to consign much of it to the history books, and looking at modern world events one can truly say that while some of the responsibility for the Shoah being allowed to happen is being accepted, much of it is not, and clearly nothing is being learned from it which might guide our politicians and their constituents to meaningfully help the oppressed peoples in Europe and beyond who are suffering under harsh and racist regimes today.

The Jewish world is still trying to come to terms with the events of the last century, though the pogroms and persecution are often still too recent and too raw for us to deal with yet, and we are stumbling around in the darkness of the early stages of the attempt to find meaning in what has happened to us. Post the Shoah, the trauma that our people endured, we have to assimilate something of value into our tradition and our ritual if we are to continue choosing to be Jews into the next generations. I don’t have any answers to how one deals with the experience, but reading Beshallach can help to point the way maybe, for it records the trauma of being thrust out from Egypt, the plagues which the Jews almost uncomprehendingly witnessed, the way in which the world changed so totally for them, and all security was gone – even the security of slavery. It records too the continued pursuit of them by the Egyptians, even into the inhospitable wilderness, the hopelessness and helplessness and victim positions of all those who had survived.   We read in Beshallach how the children of Israel turned on Moses, how they wished to be back in slavery in Egypt rather than in the wilderness, how they feared for themselves and their future, how they could not yet cope with what had happened to them, and did not know how to find meaning to guide them. What happened in sidra Beshallach is a paradigm for us to use to begin to deal with the Shoah. The first clue is in Moses’ speech to the people–“Fear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Eternal….for whereas you have seen the Egyptians today, you shall see them again no more for ever”   The removal of fear which comes from the certainty that the persecutors will be disabled and will no longer threaten the victims is a vital beginning to being able to move on from the trauma of the experience.

The second clue must surely be the fact that the children of Israel walked into the midst of the sea upon dry land – as the midrash takes it the sea did not fully part until the first Israelites had taken the risk and jumped in to it, risking at the very least cold and discomfort in the darkness and swirling waters.

The third event of use to us – that there was active and knowledgeable participation by Moses in what ultimately happened to the Egyptian army – God had made their wheels stick so that their passage through the sea was too difficult and they stated very clearly that they wanted to run away from the Israelites and go back to Egypt. It was then given for Moses to choose to stretch out his hand over the waters so that the Egyptians would drown before they could escape.

And finally the fact that the survivors recognised the hand of God in what had happened to them and around them, and “they believed in the Eternal and in Moses God’s servant” – they recognised that God is present in the world, and that his purpose is served through human beings. And they sang a song of praise – they worshipped God wholeheartedly and meaningfully.

Four factors in how the children of Israel dealt with their own pain and their own survival. The removal of the fear of immediate threat, the active choice to survive, the active choice to participate in dealing with the enemy rather than relying on a greater power to sort them out, and the understanding of and communication with Gods presence.

We can take the model and use it – removing the fear and immediate threat of racist oppression by standing out against it where ever it appears, whether directly focussed on Jews or not. Making active choices to survive as Jews, teaching our children, identifying ourselves, playing a part in the Jewish community. Dealing with our enemies directly, facing up to what terrifies us and not expecting them to shelter under the protection of others. And finally through exploring and exposing ourselves with prayer, recognising the place that God has in our lives, and accepting that we have an obligation in God’s scheme of things too.

We can look at what we as a Jewish people are doing post Shoah, and find that much of it fits into the model first offered in sidra Beshallach. We have structures to fight racism and oppression. We have structures to help us make active choices about our Judaism. We have structures to make us a people to be reckoned with, a nation state, and a high profile in diaspora. And we are beginning to develop a ritual and a liturgy to remember the Shoah within our religious identity too. We’re following the pattern, but much remains to be done. We have the structures but we have to really make use of them. We have some prayers but we have to seriously pray them.

Seventy years after the liberation by the Soviets of the Jews who survived Auschwitz, we are just beginning to make a glimmer in the darkness of the pain and the confusion. The generation who physically experienced it are dead or dying and rely on us now to continue their work. We shall not let them down, but will absorb the lessons we can, and be changed as Jews because of what happened to them.

Mikketz: raising up the light and keeping hope alive

Rabbi Hugo Gryn famously told a story of his father in the winter of 1944, while they were together in a concentration camp called Lieberose. Having announced that it was the eve of Chanukah, he took a homemade clay bowl and lit a wick immersed in is precious, now melted ration of margarine. Before he could recite the blessing, Hugo looked at his father and protested “we need the food – we can’t afford to waste it on a candle” his father looked at Hugo then His father looked at Hugo-and then at the lamp—and responded, “You and I have seen that it is impossible to live up to three weeks without food. We once lived almost three days without water; but you can’t live at all without hope.”

Rabbi Moshe Prager told the story of a young boy in Auschwitz whose Barmitzvah fell on the first day of Chanukah. He too painstakingly collected scraps of oil to craft a makeshift candle and invited a small group to celebrate with him late at night in his ‘bunk’. In the blackness of the night in Auschwitz, a small band of hungry and frightened Jews huddled together to watch the Barmitzvah light the candle and intone the blessings when a Nazi guard entered the hut and shouted at the lad at the centre of the activity to put out the candle. The Barmitzvah looked at the Nazi and said “we Jews do not extinguish light, we make light”

What both the stories have in common is the importance of retaining identity, and that in holding on to who we essentially are, we keep alive not only ourselves and our hope, but also God’s place in our world.

At the very beginning of creation God commands y’hee or – let there be light. Long before the sun and moon have been created, even before night and day have been differentiated, even before the division into light and darkness, the command booms out in the Universe – y’hee or. God, who commands us to walk in God’s way and emulate God’s actions as best we can, enters the tohu va’vohu, the confusion and blackness of the deep and brings light. It is a command for us to do the same.

In the sidra Mikketz, which is always read on Shabbat Chanukah, Joseph, the arrogant young boy who had been sold into slavery by his brothers and who had, by his own efforts, survived Egyptian imprisonment and become a noted interpreter of dreams, seems to shed his own Hebrew identity and becomes an officer of Pharaoh’s court. His name is changed to an Egyptian one – Zaphenat Parnea, he marries an Egyptian woman Asenat, the daughter of an Egyptian priest and wears the clothing of Egyptian nobility.

Nachum Sarna explains the etymology of the new name – Zaphenat Parnea in this way:

“Traditional exegesis connects the name with Joseph’s penchant for interpreting dreams, seeing in the first element a derivation from the Hebrew stem ts-f-n to hide, and rendering the second contextually as “to elucidate”. The name would thus mean “The revealer of hidden things”. However an Egyptian origin is evident and a widely held view regards it as the transcription “God speaks; he lives” … In choosing this name, Pharaoh finds a title for Joseph as the one in whom God speaks, and the people live

So even Joseph, the assimilated one, the one who leaves home and family and chooses never to go back; even Joseph, who marries out and whose children are adopted back into the family as half-tribes; Joseph who gives his sons Hebrew names even while describing them as the ones who will help him forget his own past; with all of this, even Joseph retains his essential identity, keeping alive hope, keeping alive God’s place in the world, bringing light into the world through his management of resources and his conduit to God’s speaking.

We always read Mikketz in Chanukah. We always read of the name change on a day we will be lighting the candles of witnessing to God’s continuing care for us. We always face the tensions embedded in Jewish identity, in Jewish historical experience at this time. We read about Pharaoh’s description of the most assimilated of our ancestors as “a man in whom there is the spirit of God”. The story reminds us – as do the two Chanukah stories of the holocaust with which I began – that no matter how dark, how distressing our world, God is not really hidden far away. Maybe hidden, but not far away, and we can bring forth light for ourselves and so reveal the divine that is all around us.